Month: January 2008


I have been so busy and pressed for time these last few weeks, that I have literally been building a list of topics I want to write about, think about and explore. (And this is nothing compared to me “to do” list, both at… Continue Reading “Yikes”

Pop Culture Quote Monday

“Sell crazy some place else, we’re all stocked up here.”

Ice, Ice by Richard Cheese

This makes me laugh. I used to know a guy who could recite all the words of this song (not this version) in less than 60 seconds. It was a sight to behold, watching someone’s lips move that fast. I wonder whatever happened to… Continue Reading “Ice, Ice by Richard Cheese”

Types of Growth – The Lie

For temptation to exist, there must be an inner craving for what tempts you. Not everyone is tempted to hit the snooze button every morning, but you put a snooze button in front of me and I’ll hit it until the cows come home.… Continue Reading “Types of Growth – The Lie”

Types of Growth

I’m back to pondering spiritual growth, more specifically how we know it’s growth and not just becoming more intelligent about spiritual things. And I’ve discovered an interesting, yet very simple thing about this issue: my heart. Oh, my heart. I’ve had a contentious relationship… Continue Reading “Types of Growth”

Pop Culture Quote Monday

Could I be wearing anymore clothes?

Observations on the Iowa Caucuses

On the Republican side: 1.) Huckabee comes across as very, very sincere. There is something about him that makes me want to believe him, to trust him. This frightens me a little, because I don’t know what that “something” is. Maybe I’ve underestimated mannerisms… Continue Reading “Observations on the Iowa Caucuses”

New Year

I’ve never been much for New Year’s resolutions, and this year I decided to have a theme song. A song to keep in my heart, a song that reminds of what the business of living is all about, a song that is my resolve… Continue Reading “New Year”

Pop Culture Quote Monday

This one comes with a visual hint! We have a piper down, I repeat, a piper is down!

2007 – a look back

What I learned in 2007… HT to Barbara for the idea. I learned that God can change me, even when I least expect it. I learned that forgiveness isn’t about excusing the sin, it’s about saying the sin mattered, it hurt, and that I… Continue Reading “2007 – a look back”