Month: December 2015

no longer and not yet

The last six months have been about the space between the “no longer” and the “not yet” for me. Have I honored that space? Not hardly. I screwed a lot of things up. Perhaps I handled it as best as I could have expected… Continue Reading “no longer and not yet”

the "INFJ Door Slam"

One thing that INFJs tend to do is read a lot about their personality type. Because we are rare, that also means we are difficult to figure out. So reading to try and understand ourselves simply goes with the territory.  Today I was reading… Continue Reading “the "INFJ Door Slam"”

i was wrong [portrait of an apology]

It’s hard being remembered for what you did wrong. It’s hard to be remembered for something you did wrong. I’m sure a lot of people in the public eye feel this way… presidents, artists, CEOs. When you’ve filled your life with a lot of… Continue Reading “i was wrong [portrait of an apology]”