Month: December 2007

Best Posts of 2007

I’m doing a twist on my “best of list” this year. No more pop culture lists – just a ego post. Some are my favorites, some get a lot of hits off google, some are just good lessons God taught me. I started the… Continue Reading “Best Posts of 2007”


Huckabee’s Remarkable Play My cousin over at confession of a slacker mom made her decision a while back to support Huckabee in the coming election, and I had the chance to hear her reasons why over drinks at Christmas time. (The only time I… Continue Reading “Hucka-wha?”

My Theological Worldview

What’s your theological worldview?created with You scored as Emergent/Postmodern You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don’t think they connect to modern culture very well. No one knows the whole truth about God, and we… Continue Reading “My Theological Worldview”

Underrported Humanitian Stories

Doctors without Borders listed their top 10 underreported humanitarian stories of 2007. (Below is a picture in Somalia, where the civil war there has left many without food, water and medical treatment.) Read the rest here. HT to Ariah, who also has a great… Continue Reading “Underrported Humanitian Stories”

Christmas Confession

I’m a total geek, I must confess. I was baking Christmas cookies at a friends house and he had a mixed CD of Josh Groban Christmas songs playing. “O Holy Night”, the best traditional Christmas song ever written in my opinion, was on the… Continue Reading “Christmas Confession”

Christmas Reality

Brilliant. HT to gman.

Bad Nativites

I think every year for the last few years someone reminds me of this website: Cavalcade of Bad Nativities. It is truly the best of the tacky…which is why I love it. Here are a few of my favorites: Yee-Haw! The Alien Angels Look… Continue Reading “Bad Nativites”

Pop Culture Quote Monday

If I live to be 100, I’ll never forget that big snow storm a couple of years ago. The weather closed in and, well you might not believe it, but the world almost missed Christmas. Oh, excuse me, call me Sam. What’s the matter?… Continue Reading “Pop Culture Quote Monday”

OK Go – Here It Goes Again Hee!

O Christmas Tree

This is the first year I put up my Christmas tree since my grandmother died. Every year for 10 or so years, she gave each grand-kid an ornament for Christmas. They were never my style, but I kept them, for a tradition like that… Continue Reading “O Christmas Tree”