Month: July 2012

in which i crawl in and out of myself.

Sometimes being an introvert is a pain. During May and June (as I have many, many times before) I crawled into myself and stayed there. I was a functioning introvert. I still went to work and small group and church and a few social… Continue Reading “in which i crawl in and out of myself.”

stories, glitter and plumbing

This is my absolutely favorite children’s bible. I hadn’t read any sort of children’s bible since I was a child myself and when I was looking for something different to use in Children’s Church, I knew The Jesus Storybook Bible would be the way… Continue Reading “stories, glitter and plumbing”

in which a monsoon causes waters to flow

I spent most of the morning on my back patio, watching the rain fall down over the dry desert land, talking on the phone with my loved ones far away and re-reading Blue Like Jazz. It’s 75 degrees outside right now. And it’s July.… Continue Reading “in which a monsoon causes waters to flow”

finding waters in Embrace Me, puzzles and coffee

Friday was a pretty awful day, with a garbage disposal failure (plumber can’t come until NEXT THURSDAY and I will be out of town) and the discovery of a major leak in my drip system. After the week I had, it just made sense… Continue Reading “finding waters in Embrace Me, puzzles and coffee”