Funny Ha-Ha?

I took this at 3:30 this afternoon. This is what our parking lot looks like.

Our building has solar panels – this is a side view.

Mother Nature’s Cruel Joke?

(…I think it’s a little funny. Notice I said “a little”.)

5 Comments on “Funny Ha-Ha?

  1. It was 90 here in KC today!Well, not really.. I had to one-up Barbara.. those California girls get all of the great weather 🙂Guess I should be happy our rain has not been snow.


  2. This? Is precisely why I left Colorado Springs. I was sick of snow in April. And I like snow.It was nice and heavy… even inspiring a small snow ball fight during work hours. So not all was lost, but 89? I’m so jealous.


  3. hi!just got a very nice comment from you on my post “maybe redemption has stories to tell” and wanted to invite you over to my new blog to see more recent posts, http://erosophy.wordpress.comYou’re right, the redemption post was very much inspired by Switchfoot!


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